Boxes, Bubbles, & Babies…O’ MY!

Cricket’s puppy from previous litter.

September 10, 2020: CHICPEA, BOO & CRICKET are waddling around. For those of you that have been keeping up with the site, I was not sure if Mr Weeble’s sperm was viable. Well, given CRICKET’s condition, I am going to say an EMPHATIC YES! Weeble and his swimmers are fit as a fiddle. Cricket had 3 in her litter before; the super tiny male did not make it. I think she will have 3-4 puppies this time.

Boo and Chicpea are doing great as well. Eating plenty of food and pooping solid. I moved Chicpea and Cricket into my bedroom so I can keep close tabs on her. I hadn’t realized, until yesterday, that Ms Pea and Cricket are due to whelp on the same day! YAY! That is completely on par with 2020!

I had hoped to move into the new house this coming weekend, but there is a tropical storm threatening our coast and I really do not want to move my stuff in a downpour, so I will likely wait until the following weekend. Bella is keeping close tabs on the bubble machine. (She is the self proclaimed bubble expert.) She wants to make absolutely sure it does not get left behind. By delaying my move another week, this will also allow the contractors a little more time to finish everything. The only down side to bumping it back a week, is that will likely have 2 litters of babies to move also.

LADY BUG’S babies are doing fantastic! This is a VERY healthy healthy; they are fat little sausages. Typically in each litter there is one or more that is loud and screams throughout the night, but each puppy in this litter is VERY chill and relaxed. Ladybug is feeding them well and I think the males will be TOY size; the females will be toy, tiny toy and maybe a teacup. The dark blonde one is currently the runt. Much to my surprise all of the puppies have VERY short muzzles, which is what you want, some call that a teddybear face. I will know more once their eyes open; that should be in about a week.

If you are just now following Southern Yorkies, then please know I am sold out with a waiting list; you may view that HERE. There is ONE spot available on the waiting list, once that position is filled I will NOT accept any more deposits or applications until puppies are born, placed, etc. Should you have any questions hit me up! Quick Question Link

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