November 26, 2022: 11:51PM

Spoon’s litter is still in the bedroom with me; they are just too small. But that does not stop them from being little savages. In this video is TINK and SCOUT fighting over who gets to be on the squishy part of the bed. It looks like TINK won that round.

Now, before some of you come at me because I use plastic storage bins as whelping boxes, hear me out… I had a friend make me a beautiful wooden whelping box that was stained and had wheels on it. When it wasn’t in use, it slide under the bed and I kept sweaters in it. Well, wood is porous and can harbor bacteria; which is exactly what you don’t want with little creatures that play in poop. I think after materials and construction- my wooden GORGEOUS whelping box cost me around $400.00. After about 1 year of use, I had to throw it away because the puppies knocked over their water, various litters pooped in it and it was just a rolling petri dish of cooties.

Now the to blue UGLY storage bins, they are plastic. So, nothing can grow on them and if they do make a mess I can easily bleach them. If the bins get TOO nasty, I can trash them and buy new ones for a whopping $20.00. Problem Solved.

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