Meet Spiked Piggy…

  • 41oz @ 15 weeks 3 days
    41oz @ 15 weeks 3 days
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    41oz @ 15 weeks 3 days
  • 41oz @ 15 weeks 3 days
    41oz @ 15 weeks 3 days

Price: $3,150 Reduced Price: $1,550

Spiked PIGGY has been reduced due to bi-lateral inguinal hernia. The hernia may be easily repaired when she is spayed. Per my Veterinarian, this typically runs about $250.00. BEFORE inquiring on her, please call YOUR VET to see the cost of hernia repair.

  • Charting: TOY
  • This dog is AKC/CKC Registration: NO PAPERS
  • Dam/ Sire: Piper and Ruble
  • Sex: FEMALE
  • Color: Traditional
  • Eye Color: Brown
  • Birthdate: 11/16/24
  • DNA tested: No
  • Temperament: Outgoing, Playful, Silly, VERY Affectionate
  • Dislikes: Loud Noises
  • Likes: Standing in Food Bowl
  • Head: Proportioned Apple Head
  • Ear Size/Set: Excellent Size: Small Size Ears
  • Body: VERY Compact
  • Legs/Feet/Tail: Excellent Proportion 
  • Coat: Excellent Coat 
  • OPTIONAL ITEMS TO PURCHASE: Pet Heating PadNutraCal Tube,
  • Optional Items to Purchase May be Found HERE: High Cotton Store
  • Estimated Departure Date: AVAILABLE NOW

I. Yorkie Litter & Puppy Information 

PIPER and RUBLE welcomed 5 little ones on November 16, 2024. In this litter, there are 3 females and 2 males. All puppies are charting TOY. This was my first litter with Piper and she did great. There are 2 female puppies (SHARKIE and SPIKEY PIG) that have hernias, but the other puppies do not have any issues. All puppies in this litter have been to the Vet and have been released for their new homes. Puppies in this litter are ready for their homes now!

NOTE: All puppies are given Temporary Names, you are ENCOURAGED to name them something of your choosing. By giving them a temporary name, this helps the puppy learn when the human is speaking to them. 

III. Yorkie Puppy Development 

SIX WEEKS: This litter will start on puppy mush and have their ears taped to encourage them to stand. SEVEN/ EIGHT WEEKS: This litter will have their Wellness Exam, Vet Visit/ Parvo Distemper Shot; NINE WEEKS & MORE: Typically yorkies that chart smaller, take longer to develop, and I hold them longer. They are also delayed in the above process. 

I have a professional photographer come in to get high resolution images of the puppies. Due to cost, I am only able to do this about ONCE a month. If you want to check out the current puppies in action, make sure to check out the puppies in YAPPY HOUR on my YouTube Channel: Southern Yorkies. I TRY to post new videos every THURSDAY, but things get hectic with puppies in the house…this is especially true when I have multiple litters in the house. So, I am requesting your patience. Don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE so you will receive alerts of new videos. 

IV. Required Puppy Items 

TEACUP and MICRO Puppy Owners are required to purchase a 17 x 14 Pet Safe Heating Pad and at least ONE tube of Nutritional Supplement. NO EXCEPTIONS. For those purchasing a TEACUP or MICRO size puppy you will need the nutritional supplement until the puppy is at least 8 months old… so stock up! If you are purchasing a TOY size yorkie, then both items are HIGHLY recommended, but not required. All puppies are eatingDIAMOND NATURALS SMALL BREED PUPPY FOOD mixed with NUTRA FOOD twice a day. Puppies must have access to dry food and water at all times until they are eight months old. 

V. Recommended Puppy Items

HEARTBEAT BUDDY: For new puppies, the world seems very big and scary. Having a friend when the human isn’t around or in new surroundings, makes things easier. I have 2 of the ones from Walmart, but because of the way the stuffed dog is positioned, the puppy isn’t able to lay in the lap, which is the preferred place to lay. They are also more expensive than the ones I offer. **Some puppies seem to NEED this item, if that is the case, I will indicate it in the QUICK PUPPY INFO above and the new owner will be REQUIRED to purchase one.**

POTTY BUNDLE: This little contraption is right up there with sliced bread and indoor plumbing. I allow puppies to “go potty” on them during Yappy Hour or just playing. This allows their exact scent to get into the mat, making it much easier to potty train. You can read more about it HERE. 

VI. Included Puppy Goodies

Each puppy will see a licensed Veterinarian and have a complete Wellness Exam, Fecal Test and their first Parvo Vaccine before leaving for their new home. Due to rising Vet costs, subsequent vaccines will be administered by the Breeder. You will get copies of everything. In addition to a gorgeous, healthy puppy, the Puppy Purchase Price includes: 

  • Southern Yorkies Puppy Notebook
  • Generous Diaper Bag
  • Grooming by a Licensed Groomer & Behavior Report Card

VII. Make This Yorkie Puppy MINE

 General Public: If you are interested in adopting this puppy please complete the on-line Puppy Application found HERE and submit your NON-REFUNDABLE $350.00 via CASH APP ($SYORKIES). Once you have chosen a specific puppy, the deposit is NON-TRANSFERABLE. No Exceptions. In the event of multiple interest for the same puppy, the earliest Deposit Date and Time Stamp will prevail. 

The balance of the puppy is due in CASH. I am sorry; I do not accept Venmo, Cash App or a cashier checks for the balance of the puppy. It MUST be actual cash. You will pick up your new furry friend at 1415 3rd Ave, Suite 102 Conway, SC 29526.  This location is a professional office building called, ICON PROFESSIONAL BUILDING. You can read more about Southern Yorkies Policies HERE. Should you have any questions or concerns, please CONTACT ME.

Please check out the various brochures. These should help you see the Yorkshire Terrier Breed Conformation through the Judges eyes and help you better prepare your home for your new little one. 

VIII. Yorkie Downloads

(1.) New Puppy Download (2.)  Diaper Bag Download (3.) Judging the Yorkshire TerrierDownload

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