Yorkies are known to be one of the hardest breeds to potty train. If you do an online search, you will unveil hundreds of websites and methods to help you “train your Yorkie in record time.” Truth be known, some yorkies understand the potty concept quicker than others. Males tend to take a little longer to “get it” than females. But females will “stealth poop/ pee” in a heartbeat. Typically, the smaller the yorkie-the harder it is for them to hold it. They just do not have the muscle control over their bladder. For someone considering a yorkie puppy, this facet can be a HUGE deterrent when purchasing a puppy, but I have found an easier way. I have had yorkies in my home for over 20 years; I have seen what works and what does not. I have tried just about everything out there, but NOTHING WORKED…
Litter Training: This is where you have a litter box like a cat and have the small dog use the box, instead of going outside. So, I bought the plastic pan and the dog litter. My dogs and puppies thought this was AWESOME!! They played, rolled, dug, and kicked up the litter, but they did not “Go Potty” in the litter. PLAYTIME POTTY FAIL.
Disposable Piddle Pads: These can be found just about anywhere. Some have urine attractant for the puppies and lavender scent for the human. I DO use these and love them, but puppies will urinate on the pad-then shred it or move it from its original location. Let me tell you how much fun it is to clean up a shredded, urine saturated pad. (Not to mention, the whole point of the pad is to protect the floor; it does minimal protecting in 50 pieces all over the floor.) SHREDDED PIDDLE PAD FAIL.
Washable Piddle Pads: I LOVE these. You can buy them in a variety of sizes and then once they become too soiled, just throw them in the washing machine, but the larger sizes can be a bit pricey and must be replaced annually. COSTLY WASHABLE PAD FAIL.
After trying everything out there and seeing what works and what does not, I decided to fashion my OWN Potty Training Method. I would include my own experience and frustrations to create something that actually works and is not a complete eye sore in the house…
Potty Bundle: Potty Training Made EASY 
If you have been following the site, then you know I used to make the Trinkle Turf; it is 16″ by 20″ potty contraption for the littles to go potty on. Each one is HANDMADE. There is the issue…. handmade. The amount of time, effort, cost, and headache involved with creating these just isn’t feasible long term. So, back to the drawing board I went. I found these plastic grass mats on-line that I thought looked promising…
I bought a few and tried them out with my VIP girls that are in my bedroom. These ladies are already potty trained to go on the washable mat and Trinkle Turf-so going potty on the grass should be an easy one. Each of them picked up on it in record time… I then included one with my puppies during Yappy Hour–BOOM! Success. I have tried just about every Potty Attractant Spray out there and NONE of them really worked, in my opinion. So, I decided to create my own. I do clean up poop and pee all day, every day- so I am an expert on the topic…After multiple attempts, I have a recipe that works like a charm!
To help with the potty process, puppies will be encouraged to use a grass mat during playtime and Yappy Hour to get their scent in the pad BEFORE the grass is sold. This makes is significantly easier for them to recognize their scent and know where to go. If you would like to purchase a POTTY BUNDLE, please check out my High Cotton Store and add one to your Cart.