Puppy DIBS!?!

This page is dedicated to my PLATINUM Members. I will post pictures, puppy webpages through the locked buttons given below. This allows you to view the puppies, ask me about them, etc. BEFORE they are posted to the site and social media.
Puppies are held until they are around 5-6 week old before allowing new owners to pick out their puppy. Puppies charting smaller are held even longer. By delaying puppy selection, I have a better idea of size, temperament, and adult weight. This allows me to inform you better about your new bundle of joy!
Puppy Selection Sequence….
ROUND ONE: Teacup and Micro Size Puppies are offered to those given on the PLATINUM List according to Application Date. Due to the demand for puppies, I will use this procedure exclusively. Only Southern Yorkies PLATINUM Members will have the password for the Puppy Dibs Page, so those on this list may view the available puppies post and reserve a puppy, FIRST. Once you decided on a puppy, a Puppy Dibs Email MUST be sent to reserve the puppy. (Contents of Puppy Dibs Email Given Below)
ROUND TWO: Toy Size Puppies are offered on a first come first serve bases. To adopt a TOY size puppy, please complete the Puppy Application and submit the deposit via CASH APP.
ROUND THREE: Any remaining puppies that are not reserved by those on PLATINUM Members will then be offered to those on the SILVER List and posted publicly on the website and social media.
PLEASE NOTE: It is YOUR responsibility to “CALL DIBS” on the puppy you want in writing through E-mail. If you see a puppy that peeks your interest do NOT wait, ask me LOTS of questions. I will give you my honest opinion. I want to help you choose a puppy that compliments your lifestyle, not complicates it.
When you have decided on a puppy you must send me an EMAIL with “PUPPY DIBS” in the subject line. (You MUST send me an email; a text or oral agreement will not suffice.) Include in the Email: Your Name, Sire & Dame, Color/ Markings & DOB and that you wish to apply your deposit toward the puppy. Once you have e-mailed me and chosen a specific puppy, the deposit is NON-TRANSFERABLE. No Exceptions.
The images of newborns will be cell phone quality, but I’ll also include a description of color, sex, approximate size, etc. I can not stress enough, when you see a puppy with the look, size, sex you want to welcome into your home, shoot me the email. Of course, if your situation changes and you are not able to welcome a little fur baby, please let me know so I may remove your information as well.