Puppy Application
Thank you for your interest in a Southern Yorkies puppy!! The welfare of my dogs is my first priority. It is my goal to make sure that my dogs live a full and happy life with people who love them. I try my best to place puppies in only the most loving and responsible homes, and this application is designed to help me expedite that process. Matching the lifestyle and dynamics of the family or person with a yorkie puppy of proper/similar temperament is the most important element of puppy selection for a harmonious life for all parties involved. Please be honest in your answers and the more information you can give me about your lifestyle, the better!! Please include information about travel habits, work schedule, other children/ pets in home, and temperament preference. Again, the more information you tell me, the better able I am able to match you with a puppy that will compliment your life– NOT complicate it. A Puppy Application is required for ALL of my puppies.
DEPOSIT POLICY: A $350.00 Deposit must be paid to hold a TOY or TEACUP size puppy. A $1,000 Deposit must be paid to hold a MICRO size puppy. This deposit MUST be paid via CASH APP. This deposit goes towards the purchase price of the puppy. It is NON-REFUNDABLE and NON-TRANSFERABLE. NO EXCEPTIONS. ($SYORKIES is my Cash Tag) Click HERE for CASH APP LINK
Puppy Application is a TWO Step process:
STEP ONE: Complete the full Puppy Application. Please take your time when doing the application, the more information you give me, the better. Make sure you understand and agree with the various things given in the application. Should you have ANY questions, please reach out to me via email. ALL QUESTIONS or CONCERNS should be addressed BEFORE submitting a deposit. Once you have completed the application, After hitting “Submit,” a Lime Colored Box will appear, confirming your information has been received.
STEP TWO: Once you have completed the PUPPY APPLICATION, THEN please submit the non-refundable deposit via CASH APP.