February 8, 2023

I have been quiet when it comes to posting any News or Yappy Hour video, lately…for that my apologies. I have been burning the candle at both ends since before covid, and now that things have calmed down a slightly, I am enjoying it. In addition, I am 100% addicted to the Murdaugh Trail and have the trial on daily.
Anyway, I currently have multiple puppies in various sizes. This past weekend the photographer and I had a FULL day shoot…we got some GREAT images! (Check out teaser image above.) I hope to have the images back by this evening. In the meantime, I am building the new webpages for each of the tater tots.
I will allow those on the waiting list to CALL DIBS this weekend and those on the list for Iggy’s puppies I will allow each of you to choose a specific one. So, if you are on GOLD and PLATINUM list-then please keep your phone close FRIDAY evening; you will hear from me via text and email! Any puppies not reserved by those on the list will be posted first of the week OR you are welceom to Email me. (TEACUP and MICRO size puppies are NOT cheap.)
MOST of the puppies I have now are charting TEACUP or MICRO, but I do have one or two that are charting TOY size. So, if you have your tax return ear marked for a yorkie puppy-then please check the site after this weekend OR shoot me an email!
As for COMING LITTERS, I have Cocoa Beans, Tickles, and Teagan bred. All females were put with Ruble, in the hopes that the litters will be traditional. I do think Tickles and Cocoa carry the sable gene; if that is the case then there will be ONE puppy that expresses the sable gene. I, personally, do not care for the sable color UNLESS the puppy is a chocolate sable. This means, the puppy has sable coat color with GREEN eyes, chocolate nose, lips and paw pads. I LOVE that color combination!