Bedding & Bows
This is called a woobie in my house, and woobies come in all shapes and sizes….The photo to the left is Macaroni in her woobie. I bought this magazine rack from Goodwill to put dog toys in, in the bedroom. Macaroni found and claimed it as her own…. sometimes the woobie picks you.
If a dog is told to “get on the woobie,” that means he/she is to get on his bed or nest of blankets and stay there until further notice. Each dog has their own woobie and they are not all the same. By each dog having a place to call their very own, allows them to feel safe and more secure. Their woobie is also the ONLY place the evil vacuum can not get them. Translation: A woobie is base. I would encourage you to have something similar for your new pup or dog.

If you are a Yorkie, getting a bath and being groomed is just part of life…All of my dogs and pups go to the groomer. Period. I have tried to groom them myself, and have failed miserably every time. (Cheese sported a mohawk for a while, because I cut it too short on top.) So, in effort to save time- I just take them in. This also allows them to get used to the whole process, because if you are a Yorkie; this is an aspect of life you must endure.
I do bathe my Yorkies on a regular bases. All dogs and puppies live inside. Either in the living room area or in the bedroom. Dogs and pups only go outside to potty or to play. So because living quarters can be tight sometimes: if you are stinky or have a dirty tushie– you MUST have a bath.
I used to use the traditional dog shampoo, but because Yorkies have the same type of hair as humans, I have found that I prefer to let them use my shampoo….Victoria’s Secret So Sexy. It makes the dog smell wonderful for many days longer and their coat is extremely shiny.
In regards to grooming, I would try not to bathe more than once every other week, doing so more frequent can cause the skin to become very dry and irritated. Lastly, after bathing, get your Yorkie used to the hair dryer and having his ears cleaned, as well as his nails clipped. Your groomer will appreciate this.